All over our country where groups of young people get together they are either playing sport or playing music. Our young Salvationists will reach their generation by spending time with them where they are, sharing Jesus with them in their everyday life.
There are plenty of opportunities within our divisions at youth councils, music camps, corps cadet camps and sporting events for them to be challenged and motivated.
12@4 program –A new imitative aimed at youth , called 12@4, has gathered momentum over the year . Young people join together 12 times a year at 4pm, on a Sunday to learn about discipleship. Interviews, video clips, drama, creative ministry, learning through games were included in the program. The highlight throughout the year was the youth themselves taking ownership of the program. Corps groups worked on action plans discussing how they were going to fulfil one of the points of The Salvation Army PNG’s vision statement – saving souls, growing saints, serving suffering humanity or transforming society. During the following months representatives from corps shared the results.
As a result of the youth taking over the program, the name has changed to 12@6 because it is a discipleship group that commences at 6pm.