Aussie Women's generous gift to PNG.

Aussie Women's generous gift to PNG's children
In 2013, the women of The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory raised PGK300,000.00 to refurbish and resource childcare centre in Papua New Guinea at the Officer Training College in Port Moresby.
The building is almost complete and will provide much more space and improved facilities for the children of cadets.
“The amount raised has enabled The Salvation Army not just to resource the childcare centre with toys, books, paints, music and covered mattresses, but to build a new facility which is wonderful for the children as the previous centre was cramped and poorly equipped,” said Commissioner Jan Condon, Territorial President of Women’s Ministries. “We are grateful to everyone who contributed money towards this project and we are glad to be able to report that at last the project is becoming a reality.
The Training Principal Major Michelle Collins is looking forward to seeing the children of cadets enjoying this wonderful new Child Care Centre. "Our aim is to create a safe, caring place for our children. Thank you Salvos Women for providing these resources for the generations of the future - our children.
"I can already see the happy, smiling faces as they play, discover and experience Jesus, who loves them.