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1 July 2022
Earlier this week, The Salvation Army House of Hope reopened its’ doors to once again serve vulnerable women and children suffering from all forms of abuse.
The social institution which also serves as a 24/7 counselling centre for survivors of violence has remained closed for over a year due to renovation work being carried out on the facility and is now once again ready to serve suffering humanity thanks to the help provided by special donor partners.
Speaking at the official re-opening ceremony on Tuesday, Manageress of The Salvation Army House of Hope Major Ridia Nenewa was very emotional when thanking the many partners and donors who have worked together on the project which was to upgrade and refurbish the facility to what it is now.
Major Ridia in her speech thanked partners in the likes of Family PNG as well as UN Women who provided the much needed funding for the refurbishment work and Steamships Trading Company for providing the facility on which the House of Hope now stands.
She also acknowledged other donor partners such as BSP Financial Group, Monian Group, CIMC and the Rotary Club as well as others not mentioned who have stood with House of Hope throughout the years.
“I take this time to extend special thanks to all our partners both here in country and overseas as well for always lending a helping hand to House of Hope as without all your support, we would not have come this far,” Major Ridia said.
Major Ridia also took the time to thank the General Manager of Chanisons Contractors Ltd Mr Clement Sosongan for a job well done in making sure that the facility was refurbished to standard and completed just in time for it to be fully operational again.
Territorial Commander of The Salvation Army PNG & Solomon Islands Territory Colonel Garth Niemand when giving a speech at the ceremony said that The Salvation Army as a global Christian church is guided by its’ Founder William Booth’s vision to combine ministry with social work and quoted his words saying,
“The Salvation Army is like a bird with two wings, one wing being the evangelism of the gospel of Christ Jesus and the other being social services. The bird can’t fly with one wing and so these two go hand in hand with one another.”
Colonel Garth said The Salvation Army is privileged to receive such blessings through the support of donors and further commented that such blessings are received in order that the Army can continue to be a blessing to those in need and to help make a difference and transform lives through the support services rendered.
“Thank God for Major Ridia and her team as well as our donor partners Steamships Trading Company for the facility given to The Salvation Army and also for the partners that have provided funding to help refresh the facility by giving it a new look not so that we can tap ourselves on our backs but so that we can continue to make a difference in the lives of others,” Colonel Garth said.
The overall refurbishment of the facility came at a total cost of K120, 000 which was entirely funded by Family PNG with help from UN Women and construction work carried out by Chanisons Contractors Limited.


  1. Kindly contact me on 70012085 .

  2. Kindly contact me on 70012085. In need of assistance

  3. Good night when is it open

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