Promotions in rank
It is a pleasure to announce that the officers listed below have been promoted to the following ranks, with effect from 12 December, 2016.
Promoted to the rank of Major
Major Bernard Kila
Majors Miana and Heisi Goina
Majors Henry and Marcella Henari
Majors Kila and Kemo Apa
Promoted to the rank of Captain
Captains Gini and Regina Bugave
Captains Rebecca and Lista Du
Captains Augustine and Anna Danagi
Captains Miriam and Eakali Yalip
Captains Regina and Andrew Naniya
Captains Bella and Redmond Gaepa
Captains Timothy and Esther Wilson
Captains Saki and Dulcie Ao
The following officers have successfully completed their Flexible Lessons and have been commissioned with the rank of Lieutenant on 12 December, 2016
Lieutenants Kosa and Gladish Eua
Lieutenants Tai and Margret Paran
Lieutenants Jeffery and Esther Wemu
Lieutenants Elvis and Keiya Kasipa
Lieutenants Junti and Yoko Tefari
Lieutenants Adax and Agnes Tetepa
Lieutenants Max and Butumbe Orato
Lieutenants Jerry and Rachael Gaiyer
Lieutenants Esther and Caleb Wasombi
Lieutenants Lisa and Joseph Manase
Lieutenants Holive and Anna Gareke
Lieutenants Rex and Julie Benuru
I'm sure you would like to join me in congratulating each of these officers for their achievements by the grace of God, and continue to uphold them in our thoughts and prayers as together we serve the Lord through the work of The Salvation Army in this great country.
Chris Goa (Major)
Assistant Chief Secretary
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