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School under the mango tree

20 April 2016
School under the mango tree

The school under the Mango Tree

Many children in PNG are still unable to access basic education to help address this, The Salvation Army has been piloting the mango tree program in five remote areas. Onki, Haparira and Karavira in Goroka and Anda & Anglimp in Jiwaaka plus Potsdam in Madang.  Several villages were invited to participate in the training program and nominated two potential tutors from the village who participated in the training program held at Goroka. The facilitators were Kayleen Sam, Peter & Rhonada Lewis, Gwenda Pratt, Fay Foster and Moale Rotona. Following the training which included basic numeracy, literacy and christian education, the participants returned to their villages to teach a small class of children who had previously not had the opportunity to attend either literacy training or elementary school.

The cadets in Port Moresby Officer Training College (OTC) also participated in Mango Tree Training.    




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