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BPS Students participates in the Queens Baton Relay

BPS Students participates in the Queens Baton Relay

6 December 2017

Queens Baton arrive in PNG The Queens Baton Relay which will be traveling around 70 countries has finally reached the shores of Papua New Guinea which is the 65th country. It has travelled to places like Ghana, Jamaica, England etc..just to name a few. The Queen's Baton Relay, is a relay around the world held prior to the beginning of the Commonwealth Games.  The Baton carries a message fro... Read more

Gold Coast Airport Marathon gives PNg runners 'hope and a future'

2 August 2017

Gold Coast Airport Marathon gives PNG runners 'hope and a future' 3 JULY 2017 By Simone Worthing Eig... Read more

THE WHOLE WORLD MOBILISING - Youth and Children's Weekend

14 March 2017


OTC opens three new buildings

OTC opens three new buildings

14 October 2016

Officer training college opens three new building Three new buildings were officially opened yester... Read more

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

2 September 2016

Five young people from the Papua New Guinea Territory completed the 42km Gold Coast Marathon, as par... Read more

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

28 August 2016

Five young people from the Papua New Guinea Territory completed the 42km Gold Coast Marathon, as par... Read more

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

PNG Salvo Striders conquer Gold Coast Marathon

28 August 2016

Five young people from the Papua New Guinea Territory completed the 42km Gold Coast Marathon, as par... Read more

Salvos Under 13 are AFL Runner - UP

Salvos Under 13 are AFL Runner - UP

28 July 2016

AFL Runners Up, Salvos under 13 Great work Boroko Salvos under 13 AFL Runner’s Up for this ye... Read more

General & Commissioner Cox lead 60th anniversary celebrations for PNG territory

General & Commissioner Cox lead 60th anniversary celebrations for PNG territory

1 July 2016

General Andre & Commissioner Silvia Cox leads 60th anniversary celebrations for Papua New Guinea... Read more

Powerful Prayer for 60th Anniversary Congress

Powerful Prayer for 60th Anniversary Congress

2 June 2016

60TH ANNIVERSARY CONGRESS -   POWERFUL PRAYER is happening all over our territory.  ... Read more

Prayer Retreat at Gaire

Prayer Retreat at Gaire

9 May 2016

Youth Prayer Retreat at Gaire            ... Read more

Educating a Nation

Educating a Nation

24 April 2016

Educating a Nation Education begins at home Let me tell you about Christine and Captain Theresa..... Read more

60th Anniversary Congress- POWERFUL PRAYER

60th Anniversary Congress- POWERFUL PRAYER

24 April 2016

60TH ANNIVERSARY CONGRESS -   POWERFUL PRAYER is happening all over our territory.  ... Read more

Official Opening - The Salvation Army's Boroko Motel & Apartments

Official Opening - The Salvation Army's Boroko Motel & Apartments

15 February 2016

Official Opening – The Salvation Army’s Boroko Motel and Apartments The Salvation Army... Read more

Cadet Lieutenants commissioned in Kainantu

Cadet Lieutenants commissioned in Kainantu

10 February 2016

Fourteen Cadet Lieutenants were commissioned as officers on Sunday 7th February in Kainantu.  T... Read more

Anya Day celebrated in Goroka

Anya Day celebrated in Goroka

21 December 2015

Anya day celebrated in Goroka Fifteen women were invited to attend for this special occasion. Howeve... Read more

PNG Officers commissioned and ordained

PNG Officers commissioned and ordained

21 December 2015

Listen to their collective testimony by clicking on this video clip Five couples were ordained and ... Read more

Messengers of Light session commissioned and ordained

21 December 2015

  Five couples were ordained and commissioned as Officers of The Salvation Army Papua New Guin... Read more

PNG Officers Ordained and Commissioned

PNG Officers Ordained and Commissioned

8 December 2015

Five couples were ordained and commissioned as Officers of The Salvation Army Papua... Read more

Anya day celebrated in Goroka

Anya day celebrated in Goroka

2 December 2015

Anya day celebrated in Goroka Fifteen women were invited to attend for this special occasion. Howeve... Read more

Installation of Colonel's Kelvin & Julie Alley

30 November 2015

The Installation of Lieutenant Colonel Kelvin Alley as Chief Secretary of the Papua New Guinea terri... Read more

Farewell  to Colonel Miriam

Farewell to Colonel Miriam

4 November 2015

God's plan for Papua New Guinea was to send Colonel Miriam Gluyas as our Chief Secretary for a coupl... Read more

Boroko Primary School celebrates 40 years of Independence

Boroko Primary School celebrates 40 years of Independence

16 September 2015

Boroko Primary school celebrated our country’s 40th Independence with colourful cultural and ... Read more

Boroko Primary school celebrates 40th Independence

Boroko Primary school celebrates 40th Independence

14 September 2015

Boroko Primary School celebrates 40th Independence Boroko Primary School celebrated our country's 40... Read more

200 Salvationists join our nation in Prayers of Repentance

200 Salvationists join our nation in Prayers of Repentance

31 August 2015

REPENTANCE PRAYER About 200 Salvationist came together to pray Prayers of Repentance at Boroko. Majo... Read more

BOUNDLESS Experience

BOUNDLESS Experience

31 July 2015

  MY EXPERIENCE For a first time traveller like me, it was really an eye opener for me to see t... Read more

North Eastern young people gather for rally.

15 June 2015

Papua New Guineans love stories from around our nation. ‘Walk by Faith & not by sight... Read more

Local Officer's trained in South East Division

Local Officer's trained in South East Division

29 May 2015

3 days training Twenty Five participants from South Eastern Division attended 3 day training at The ... Read more

Boundless Bible Reading Challenge

Boundless Bible Reading Challenge

25 April 2015

Join with Salvationists all over the world each day reading the Bible. Get your daily readings on th... Read more