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60th Anniversary Congress- POWERFUL PRAYER

24 April 2016
60th Anniversary Congress- POWERFUL PRAYER


POWERFUL PRAYER is happening all over our territory. 

  • Every Tuesday morning at 5am the officers in South Central Division are PRAYING for the Congress.
  • Group of people at Goroka held an Open Air Meeting and spent time PRAYING at National Park, which is the venue for our Northern Congress.

I will answer them before they even call to me.  While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!  Isaiah 65v24


  1. I pray with you all that God will pour out his Spirit and power during your 60th celebration, and may be more new soul will be winning for the Lord during all your program.
    Be strong and know that you are with a great God, alive and so powerful. Salvation Army Tonga Region loves you all!

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