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Salvos carry out child protection awareness

9 March 2016
Salvos carry out child protection awareness

Salvos carry out child protection awareness

“Children Deserve the Best” is the most repeated phrase on Territorial Youth Secretary Lt Gini Bugave lips as he travels around our territory.   He really believes that God wants the very best for all children.  Child Protection Awareness has been conducted at Kainantu, Goroka,  and recently at Lae, Tent City and Street School Lae by Lieutenants Gini and Regina.

He says that this awareness is all about creating safe environments for children.  “We try to make the training interactive because when the children participate, it helps them to remember” Lt Regina said as she recalled their recent visit to Tent City.  Lt Regina also said that it is great when the parents stay and listen.

Lt Gini noted that the children know their rights, it is also important they know their responsibilities.


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